
The PC game protagonists of 2022, ranked by their names | PC Gamer - grimeswiff1948

The PC game protagonists of 2020, graded by their names

Assassin's Creed Valhalla Eivor
(Image credit: Ubisoft)

As we review o'er the PC games of 2020 and bestow awards upon our favorites, we're filled with fond memories of our protagonists and their heroic verse, world-deliverance deeds.

It's a knavish thing judging which hero is the best, though. Is it the Designate Killer cacophonous into scores of demons, Alyx Vance taking on the Corporate trust, or Sam Porter reuniting the country by carrying stacks of supplies o'er punic terrain connected his back? You could make a case for almost any hero being the foremost without ever coming to whatever sincere concrete conclusions.

Unless we measure them by something much easier to quantify: their names. Just their name calling! So that's what we did. Here are 15 PC plot protagonists of 2020—ranked only by their names from worst to best.

15. Sam Porter Harry Bridges (Death Stranding)

(Visualise credit: Kojima Productions)

Sam Porter Harry Bridges is a porter who works for a company called Bridges and his biologic mother's cognomen is Bridges and his adoptive mother's eldest name is Bridget. This is the pessimal protagonist figure. Non righteous this year. Maybe ever.

14. Fenyx (Immortals Fenyx Rising)

It's bad enough the bet on used to be known as Gods & Monsters, which is a bluntly serviceable game name. But you're going all edgy by using an F instead of a PH scale, and then eliminating the OE and replacing it with just an E—you should savor the chance to cram vowels in concert. And then it uses a Y instead of an I, which I have more thoughts about in another entry. This describ has five letters and I hate deuce-ac of them.

13. Bell (Call of Duty: Afro-American Ops - Gelid War)

I really like short last names. My last name is three syllables, and I detest talk, so having a short last name would save ME respective unrhetorical seconds of time and anxiousness per annum.

So, I suppose Vanessa Stephen is a great last name! But the problem with Chime is, it's non a cognomen. It's a codename. And if you're gonna have a codename it should be a cool one. Storm. Lark. Frost. Vow. Jenny wren. Lock, or even better, Locke, with an e, which is extra badass. Wolf, for god's sake! Wolf! You could do so much better than Bell, even up if you add the Word Taco in front of it, As numerous players did.

12. V (Cyberpunk 2077)

(Image credit: CD Projekt)

I think referring to someone as a single letter is a killer move. This is Q. Meet D. Hello, X. It's vindicatory neat and makes the person sound like they're simply besides rad for a full appoint. "How's it going, B?"

But I don't think back you should refer to yourself that direction. If your name is Quint, but people call you Q, you should still enter yourself as Phoebe. V, whatever their actual name is, should lapse that. Rent out people forebode you V, but don't call yourself V.

11. Doom Killer (Doom Eternal)

I'm not gonna pull the irritable patched guy rope card and claim things were forever better "back then." I'm open-minded and I embrace change! Doomguy is now Doom Slayer, and I can accept that. I'm righteous saying Doomguy is a way goofier, and thus way meliorate, name than Doomsday Slayer. That's wholly.

10. John Cooper (Desperados 3)

For an Old Westernmost discover, Toilet Cooper feels appropriate. Simultaneously, there's a lotta dada-culture cowboys with awesome names, like Rooster Cogburn, Boss Spearman, Vin Tanner, William Munny, Josey Cambri... hell, Django. You gotta up the ante or a decent name like John Cooper just starts to feel dull. Even the man with no name was called The Man With No Name. That's way major than John Cooper.

9. Alyx Vance (Half-Life: Alyx)

(Image credit: Valve)

There was a clip when having a Y in your name instead of an E was probably pretty slick, but I smel like that fourth dimension was the 1990s and we should just return to victimisation the regular letters. This isn't Alyx's fault, naturally. It's Eli's, whose parents didn't replace his I with a Y and are therefore healthier parents than Eli is.

8. Eivor (Assassin's Church doctrine: Valhalla)

I'm bad on board with Eivor as a name. I looked raised the key out's origin and it may stem from the Proto-Norse of "luckiness," "island," "careful," or "defender." A lucky and fabian shielder of an island, then. Works for me, even if Eivor went ham entirely over England. Plus, the Old Geographic region form was Eyvǫr or Øyvǫr, some of which have Ys, sol I'm happy to see Eivor with an I. When I started this article I had no idea how much I hated the letter Y, but I'm encyclopedism things about myself.

7. Stella (Spiritfarer)

Frank Stella is a solid name. That is every last.

6. Ana Spelunky (Spelunky 2)

We finally learned that Spelunky Guy is actually named Guy Spelunky, canonically. Seems a flake on the nose for a spelunker, but in the existent world you will once in a while find dentists with names like Dr. Pullman, so I guess it's okay. Anyway, Ana is a fine name, though I worry she may have been taunted with cries of Ana Banana growing improving. What doesn't kill us makes United States of America stronger—appropriate for a roguelike.

5. Zagreus (Hades)

(Image recognition: Supergiant Games)

I'm probably non gonna be picky virtually a constitute from Hellenic language Mythology—the best of the mythologies—peculiarly when we're talking about the son of a death idol. Zag makes a decent moniker, too. Great name for a dog! Zag. I would name my domestic dog Zag.

4. Ichiban Kasuga (Yakuza: Like a Dragon)

Non often to say, and certainly nothing to criticize. Information technology's a great describ for a great guy. Wouldn't modify a thing.

3. Manal Awad (Watch Dogs Legion)

Names are randomly generated and thither's no more single protagonist of Watch Dogs Host, but I did recruit a 76-twelvemonth-old fully grown film star named Manal Awad. It's not quite Seymour Butts, but it'll do just precise.

2. Peeress Love Dies (Paradise Killer)

I intend… approach. That's an awesome bring up, especially for a investigator. Most multitude reduce it to LD, only if I had a name as cool as Lady Beloved Dies, I would assert everyone use it, in full, whenever they spoke to me. I'd in all probability bash naught but go around introducing myself to the great unwashe whol day, with great care I could say it out loud. Lady Bed Dies. Perfect.

1. Sam Ostiary Bridges (Expiry Stranding)

(See reference: Kojima Productions)

Sam William Sydney Porter Bridges is a porter World Health Organization full treatmen for a company called Harry Bridges and his biological mother's cognomen is Harry Bridges and his adoptive overprotect's forename is Bridget. This is the C. H. Best protagonist name. Not just this year. Maybe ever so.

Christopher Livingston

Chris started playing PC games in the 1980s, started writing about them in the azoic 2000s, and (at length) started acquiring paid to write about them in the late 2000s. Following a few years as a stock freelancer, PC Gamer hired him in 2014, probably soh atomic number 2'd stop emailing them request for more work. Chris has a make out-hate relationship with selection games and an unhealthy fascination with the inner lives of NPCs. He's also a fan of offbeat simulation games, mods, and ignoring storylines in RPGs then he can patch up his own.


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